Creation of the world's first floating coin

UFO MP-1766 is the world’s first air-tossable coin produced at the Polish Mint, minted by the Cameroon National Bank, and minted by Manica Polska (Polish Mint).

This innovative coin was named after it resembled a flying saucer and its ability to hover in the air and rotate like a spacecraft.

It shows the date of its minting in 1766 at the Polish mint and its value, which was equal to the Cameroon franc ($2.91).

As you can probably guess, it could have been used as legal tender in Cameroon, however this amazingly engineered little coin is now worth much more than its official value.

It should be noted that this small coin has a small motor foot that keeps it moving around the magnetic field and special base.

It was released in a limited mintage of only 510 units worldwide, but its pre-order price is over US$1,000.

The prototype coin was unveiled at a technical forum in Berlin last week and will be available next spring.